Saturday, April 21, 2007

New Blog spot

I'm blogging at Myspace now. Check it out:

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Temporary blog

So here's my temporary blog. Seems some jerkoff stole my former blog address. There are sure some losers in the world.

I haven't decided whether I'll stay with using a blog or switch to a Myspace account. I don't have enough time to do both so I'll have to pick one or the other. What do you guys prefer?

In writing news, I am now officially an EC author. I'm listed on their author page and everything. I have got to say that this is THE MOST organized pub I've ever written for. Seriously. Contact with my editor is easy as pie. She's completely accessible. She's also Jaynie Ritchie. How cool is that. And let me tell you, Jaynie is the picture of professionalism. I'm looking forward to working with her. I suspect she's one of those editors that won't let you get away with anything, which is the type of editor I prefer. No, it's not fun to get edits back from editors like that, but you have a much better product in the end. Marianne LaCroix was my editor at Venus Press when the first two Stella Rice books released (in their original serial version) and I think you can tell (least I could) the difference between the first two books and those that followed. Mari didn't let me get away with anything. As a result, when it came time to re-release those books the only changes that had to be made were due to the changes in the storyline.

In non-writing news, I'm still seeing my 23 year old. *grin* Have I mentioned before how cute he is!?! Yeah, I'm rubbing it in. LOL! Odd though, I never would have thought someone that young would be so hot and bothered to get into a serious relationship. Is this the new trend with young people? Seems Mr. Dude isn't happy to casually date, sit back and enjoy my company. Na, that would be too easy. Mr. Dude wants to put me on lockdown. He's very insistent that we stop playing 'round and get serious. This new turn of events has completely thrown me for a loop. Coming out of a 13 year relationship, the last thing I want to do is saddle myself to another man. You can imagine all the interesting (read angry) discussions this difference of opinions has caused. I've never argued so much with a guy. NEVER! We've argued on the phone and (and this is a new thing for me) we've argued through text messaging. LOL! Seriously!!! You have no idea how ridiculous I feel texting serious thoughts to him. Who has text message arguments for crying out loud? But oddly enough we never argue when we're face to face. He's too cute to argue with when I can see him. *s* But all in all things are cool. I've broken things off with him like 3 times, but somehow we're still together. Go figure.

Next week I'm on my way to RT. I'm taking one of my sisters with me (Ann-Marie). She's a huge romance reader so we're gonna have a blast. I'm also looking forward to seeing Mari LaCroix, Morgan Hawke, and all the other crazy people I hung out with last time.

Until next time...